• Mozfest 2018 – Interactive Origami & Adaptive Stories Workshop

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1 January 2019 by 

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The goal of this stand was to show participants the advantages of object based media (OBM) and adaptive storytelling including the advantages for accessibility and learning. The origami experience showed several features of OBM such as:

  • Multiple camera views for those with less 3D spatial awareness
  • Subtitles that move around based on what is on screen
  • Independent adjustment of background audio and foreground speech

The aim of showing off the experience was to get creators thinking about what adaptive stories they could make if they had the tools to do so. We also showed off early previews of our StoryFormer tool for authoring these kinds of experience. Both StoryFormer and the playback part of the Origami experience (StoryPlayer) later went on to form a set of tools called StoryKit.

You can see the original proposal for the session at https://github.com/MozillaFestival/mozfest-program-2018/issues/384 and should you wish to view the experience you can see it at https://storyplayer.pilots.bbcconnectedstudio.co.uk/archived/origami.