• Mozfest 2013 – Connecting Our World Workshop

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25 November 2013 by 

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During 2013 I attended Mozfest together with the other technology volunteer project leaders to present our Connecting our World workshop. The aim of the workshop was to use Scratch, PicoBoards and simple household items such as bottle caps and pencils to make sensors and interfaces that can then drive Scratch. With the end result bing programs that respond to events in the physical environment.

The main learning for participants of the workshop was how to make programming more creative and fun for younger people without requiring a massive budget.

Running the workshop at MozFest represented some challenges for us. The festival sessions were run in a large shared space with people wondering in and out of the session at any time. However it was still important that people have time to develop their work in the session so to support this focus, we set up the workshop as a set of demonstrations and small group collaborations, ensuring people could join our session at any stage.